10. Have INSULAR panels been fire tested as assemblies?

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Yes, the panels have been systems tested with thermal barriers for surface burning characteristics; smoke development, room fire tests, and hourly fire test ratings, as per building code requirements. Panels have been tested as a wall system with gypsum wallboard thermal barriers for 15 minute, 1-hour, and 2-hour fire ratings. Most codes require a 15-minute minimum interior thermal barrier. Paper auto-ignites @ 451º F. Wood, depending on its species, auto-ignites @ approx. 500º F. EPS auto ignites @ approx. 904º F. Fire tests have proven that EPS gives off fewer toxins than conventional wood framing. UBC Std. 17-5, ASTM E 119. INSULAR panels have been tested as a wall system with gypsum wallboard thermal barriers for 15 min., 1-hour, and 2-hour ratings. Most codes require a 15-minute interior thermal barrier. 

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